You may be dreading the winter season because your energy bills always go through the roof, but this doesn’t necessarily have to happen this season. If you make sure that your heating system has regular maintenance and set your system at the ideal temperature, you can ensure that your energy bills will be reasonable. Numbers exist that will ensure that your heating system works at maximum efficiency and lowers costs, and you will learn how to find those numbers here.
What Is the Best Temperature to Save Money this Year?
The Department of Energy states that the best temperature for your HVAC system is 68 degrees during the winter. To ensure that your heater is as efficient as possible, you must turn the heater down between seven and 10 degrees for at least eight hours a day. By doing this daily, you will realize savings of up to 10% on your energy bills.
The Department of Energy gives a different answer for the best temperature for the summer. The department advises you to set your air conditioning higher when you are not home and turn it up while you are in the house. When you are at home, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency suggest that you set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are in the house. To increase your savings, these agencies suggest that you set the HVAC system to 82 degrees while you are in bed. When you are going to be outside, they suggest setting the thermostat at 82 degrees.
Why Does the Temperature Matter?
People wonder why 68 degrees is the appropriate setting for a heater during the winter. It may seem a little too cool to you, but when you set the system to a lower degree, your home will not lose heat as quickly, so you will not have to spend as much money as you would when the heat dissipates at a faster rate. It saves energy as well as money.
The air conditioning cannot cool your home more than 15 to 20 degrees cooler than it is outside. That’s why setting your air conditioner as low as possible will not cool your home faster than not lowering it as much as possible. If you were to do this, you would only succeed in increasing your energy bills.
The Ideal Temperature during the Winter.
Although 68 degrees may appear to be on the cool side, it actually ensures that your home is comfortable for you even if you do not put on a sweater. If your heater is set higher than 70 degrees, this will expedite thermal loss. When there is a larger difference between the temperature inside of a building and outside of the building, thermal energy will be lost at a greater rate. If you keep your thermostat as low as possible, the heat cannot be lost as quickly.
Maximizing Efficient Temperatures during the Winter
You can ensure efficient temperature regulation with the following:
Turn Your Thermostat Down at Night
The time when you are in bed is the best time to turn your thermostat down to lower than 68 degrees. According to sleep scientists, your thermostat should be set between 60 degrees and 67 degrees. This will ensure that your energy bill will be lower, and you will obtain the most restorative sleep.
Turn Your Heating System Down when You Are Away.
When you are at work, away on an extended errand or out of town, setting your heating system between 58 degrees and 62 degrees causes you to waste less energy. It also serves to keep the difference between the outside and the inside temperatures as low as possible.
Start Slowly
If you are used to setting your thermostat higher, begin lowering it gradually. If an elderly person or a child lives in your home, it will be a good idea to do this. The elderly and children will be more sensitive to changes in the indoor climate. Do this by starting at around 76 degrees and lowering the heat by 1 degree every three or four days.
Make a Point of Never Turning the Heat Off Completely
If you are going to be away on a trip or overnight, you must not turn your heating system off. If you do this, your pipes could freeze, and this could result in the pipes bursting. After that occurs, the home will be flooded. If you keep your thermostat between 58 degrees and 62 degrees, your pipes will be protected, and you will save money on your heating bills.
Contact us at CJS Heating and Air for all of your HVAC needs.